Foundation Centre Technological of the Granite of Galicia is a foundation of Galician interest that pretends dynamize and improve the competitive capacity of the sector of the stone of Galicia, in particular of the sector of the granite.


Fundación Centro Tecnológico del Granito de Galicia
Address: Ribeira s/n – Torneiros Telephone: 986 348 964
CP: 36410 FAX: 986 338 654
City: O Porriño E-mail:
Province: Pontevedra WEB:
Main activity: Specifically, the activity of the FCTGG centres in the following performances for the sector of the natural stone: Promotion of the scientific investigation and the technological development of processes and products Promotion and defence of a development.

Cluster del Granito © 2012 |  Centro Tecnológico del Granito Ribeira, S/N, Torneiros. 36410 | O Porriño (Pontevedra)

986 344 043
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© Ideaspropias Publicidad

Para las actividades realizadas al amparo
de la ayuda IG193.2016 financiado por: