
The University considers as a key the granite sector


"Vigo has to centre in what it knows to do: automotion, naval, fishing and granite"

The equation with which will decide  the future of Vigo reduces , for the chair of Economy Applied of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), the Galician José María Mella, a simple dilemma...At least in his formulation: reindustrialize or unhook of the economic model that during decades favoured the take off of the local economy.

To the question on the sectors with potentialities  in Vigo José María Mella answers that Vigo has to do what knows to do; that is to say, five big fundamental things: the naval, the automotion, the fishing, the preparation of products of the sea and the granite. Those are the sectors with more international and big possibilities vocation exporting.

Besides it explains that it is necessary to call the attention on the importance of the technological centres, that are those that realise this investigation; and to the very narrow relation -that still does not give -between University and the productive sectors to attain a greater transfer of the technology.

Source: Faro de Vigo




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